Let’s do this!

Hello fellow readers and bookworms! I’m Alli, a Jamaican self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of all things books. I’ve been itching to start a blog for some time now but due to nerves and general procrastination it took me awhile to finally get here, typing this. IMG_20171016_134136[1]

This blog is going to be about one of my absolute favourite things: books. If I could spend my life reading I would and I want to connect with people who feel the same. I know we all know people who love to say, “Young people don’t read” (and then proceed to blame all of society’s problem on us but that’s a different story) and other versions of that same sentiment but I don’t think that’s true. Over the years through volunteer activities, social media etc. I’ve encountered many people who love reading just as much as I do. We also love to read a wide variety of genres from graphic novels to romance to just anything we can get our hands on. I’d love if this blog could be a way of connecting all of us avid readers (A girl can dream).

I have many ideas for this blog from book reviews, book hauls/swaps, book discussions and social commentary. I would love to do collabs with other bloggers, interviews with local writers and so many other things (but lemme not get ahead of myself, one step at a time lol). If you have any ideas for this blog I’m open to suggestions as well. Let’s have fun with this! 

Happy reading ♥

7 thoughts on “Let’s do this!

    1. Thanks much! Yes you should subscribe, it really is a good deal. My only concern with book exchanges is that one person who doesn’t treat your books with care. I’m always so nervous about lending them out, I don’t wanna hear “oops, I’m so sorry” worse if they’re my friend? Friendship mash up lol. I like the idea of a book club but I don’t want to organize it lol


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